OSA Online Summative Assessments

Online Summative Assessments

How many times will a student be able to submit if they’ve been kicked out of the system?
The system is asynchronous – which means that a student is only required to be on the system to download their online summative assessment, work offline and...
Thu, 20 May, 2021 at 12:21 PM
How will I know the status of my submission?
A student will be able to see the status of submission once they have clicked “Upload Assignment Button” for the particular module. An acknowledgement pop u...
Thu, 20 May, 2021 at 12:15 PM
I am experiencing an upload error – what course of action should I take?
Ensure that the online summative assessment has been completed in the downloadable answer booklet provided.  This must be completed on MS Word and saved as...
Thu, 20 May, 2021 at 12:17 PM
I need clarity on one of the questions on the online summative assessment?
Students may direct questions related to any specific module for which they are undertaking an online summative assessment utilising the WhatsApp number whi...
Thu, 20 May, 2021 at 12:19 PM
I seem to be timing out and my connectivity is low?
Students must be notified to check their browser if connectivity is low. Students must use Google Chrome.
Thu, 20 May, 2021 at 1:53 PM
If I download my online final summative assessment and I do not manage to submit on time will I have to re-register or can I apply for an aegrotat?
A student can apply for an aegrotat if they do not submit their assessment on time. Alternatively, if a student fails their assessment, they will be provide...
Thu, 20 May, 2021 at 12:22 PM
If I upload 5 minutes after the due time will I penalised?
The assessment is required to be uploaded before the cut off time and there will be no late submissions allowed. Students are encouraged to upload the asses...
Thu, 20 May, 2021 at 12:20 PM
Is extra time allocated additional to the 5 hours if the student has experienced technical issues?
No. The paper by design is set to be 3 hours. Mancosa has allowed 2 additional hours to be allocate to accommodate for any connectivity, technical or other ...
Thu, 20 May, 2021 at 1:56 PM
Questions pertaining to Paper Discrepancies - Addendum to FAQ
Discrepancy Action Taken Incorrect Mark Allocation for a question Students should be advised to continue with answering the rest of the paper and advi...
Thu, 20 May, 2021 at 2:15 PM
Since its going to be open book assessment, are question types going to change, or can we rely on past question papers?
Students may make use of past year papers as they are studying. It will still be of assistance.
Thu, 20 May, 2021 at 1:45 PM