Action Taken
Incorrect Mark Allocation for a question
Students should be advised to continue with answering the rest of the paper and advise students that the issue will be taken into consideration adjustments during the post assessment process.
Incorrect Numbering on the question paper (e.g. Q2 has 2.1 and 2.2 and Q3 has 2.2.
Students should be advised to alter the numbering and amend Q3.1 and 3.2 as in the example.
Missing a word in a Question
Students should be advised to continue with answering the rest of the paper and advise students that the issue will be taken into consideration adjustments during the post assessment process.
Formula sheet
Students are expected to make reference to their learning materials and resources that would have been prepared for the OSA, as previously communicated.
Instruction ambiguous to student (e.g.) “Answer any 3 questions” and there are only three questions
Students are expected to answer all questions.