1. Submission of Assessments - General Guidelines 
    1. Only one (1) assessment copy per student is required. 
    2. The responsibility lies with the student to ensure that an assessment is correctly labelled before its submission. 
    3. All assessment must include a standard MANCOSA Assessment Cover Page. 
    4. A copy of the Assessment Cover Page may be obtained from MyMancosa.com 
    5. All mandatory details must be correctly completed on the MANCOSA Assessment Cover Page, including the student’s MANCOSA email address (not their personal email address). The responsibility lies with the student to update his/her personal details with the Registry Department or on MyMancosa.com
    6. Assessment sent without the MANCOSA Assessment Cover Page will not be accepted. Cover pages must be added as the first page of an assessment and not as the last page. 
    7. The MANCOSA Assessment Cover Page, table of contents and bibliography (references) should not be added to the final word count of an assessment. 
    8. Students need to be vigilant that the final version of the assessment is sent to MANCOSA. If students send a wrong version of an assessment and this assessment is marked, the student may end up with a lower mark or a zero for the assessment that has been submitted. For this reason, students may override a submission up to five (5) times prior to the assessment due date. Each submission however will override the one made previously. 
    9. All assessments must be submitted in ONE ATTACHMENT. Assessments submitted in different parts will not be accepted for marking. There may be exceptions to this rule for the Information Technology and Quantitative modules where the different files must be zipped and uploaded as one folder. 
    10. The student must ensure that the full assessment is submitted before/on the due date. 
    11. Assessments submitted after the due date will not be accepted. This includes additional parts to the initial submission and/or all relevant attachments. 
    12. It is the responsibility of the student to retain the acknowledgement of receipt email notification for future reference. 
    13. Students are encouraged to retain a copy of the submitted assessment for their record keeping and must not delete it after submission. 
    14. Students are encouraged to keep copies of their marked assessments for the duration of their studies. 
    15. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the correct assignment for the correct module is submitted. Incorrectly submitted assignments will not be considered for grading.

  2. Mode of submission of assignments 
    1. Students must have access to a computer and are expected to be computer literate. All assessments must be typed and submitted online in a PDF format. No other format and mode of submission will be accepted, except where other formats are stipulated by the examiner. 
    2. No handwritten assessment s will be accepted and/or graded.

  3. Assessment uploading/submission procedures 
    1. Students must comply with the following procedures when submitting an assessment for ALL programmes:
      1. They must Log onto the student portal www.MancosaConnect.ac.za with their unique log in credentials.
      2. After logging into the www.MancosaConnect.ac.za portal, students must select the “My Modules” tab which is found at the top right hand corner of the dashboard. 
      3. A drop down menu appears. Select the module for which you would like to upload an assessment or project for. 
      4. Click on the “Assessment” tab which will direct you to the “Module Assessment Zone.” 
      5. Click on the “Short Essay”, “Assignment” or “Project” submission tab. 
      6. Read the “Important information” on Assignment submission (instruction). 
      7. Click on the “Upload Assignment” button. 
      8. Read and acknowledge the Submission Rules. 
      9. There are two (2) methods in which to upload: 
      10. drag and drop the completed assignment into the box area on MancosaConnect. 
      11. Click on “save changes” 
      12. Click on the “add” tab 
      13. The “file picker” option will open 
      14. Click on “upload a file” 
      15. Click on “choose a file” 
      16. Locate your completed assessment through the browser 
      17. Click on the “file” that you wish to upload 
      18. Click “open” 
      19. Click “upload this file” 
      20. Click on “save changes” 
      21. Now your assignment has been submitted. 
      22. Students are required to upload their assessment in ONE ATTACHMENT. 
      23. Students that encounter difficulty uploading their assessments and receive an error message must immediately screenshot the error message and submit via the Https://mancosa.freshdesk.com/support/home. Should the student experience any technical difficulty i.e. the module is not reflecting, the submit button is not visible, log in issues, etc. the student may seek assistance via the Student Help Zone on the MancosaConnect portal or contact the Student Support Team utilising the following support channels (Live Chat, Call Centre, Fresh Desk) for further assistance.

  4. Assessment submission date. 
    1. The Programme Handbook which is given to students at registration has the assessment submission dates clearly stated. 
    2. Each module has a carefully and progressively planned specific assessment due/deadline date per semester. 
    3. Students are expected to abide by these deadline dates and encouraged to upload their assessments well before the deadline.
  5. Extension of assessment submission dates 
    1. Students can apply for a five (5) calendar day extension per assessment type, per module except on Knowledge Check, re-submissions and summative assessments. This is not applicable to research components. 
    2. Extensions must be applied for via MANCOSAConnect on or before the due date. 
    3. All extension requests must be received prior to the due date of the assessment. 
    4. An extension may be granted for an additional 5 calendar days after the scheduled assessment due date. No further extensions will be granted. 
    5. Extension requests will not be considered on the due date of the assessment. 
    6. In exceptional cases where there is evidence of mitigating circumstances (i.e. death or hospitalisation); late submission may be considered at the discretion of the Assessment Manager provided that supporting documentation is made available within 5 working days of the assessment due date. Work commitments are not considered as mitigating circumstances. 
    7. An extension request must be submitted online using the following links on the MancosaConnect portal: 
      1. Log onto MancosaConnect and refer to the relevant Module. 
      2. Click on Assessment Zone. 
      3. Click on Extension. 
      4. You will be redirected to complete the Extension Request Form. 
      5. Ensure that the correct Programme and Module details are selected in the electronic form. 
      6. Click on Submit.

  6. Re-submission of assessments 
    1. A student who obtains a mark of less than 50% for an assessment may have another attempt at improving his/her grade for that assessment by providing a re-submitted assessment(This is not applicable to knowledge check questions). 
    2. Re-submitted assessments are due 10 calendar days after the date on which the student assessment result is uploaded onto the student portal. 
    3. Assessments submitted after the re-submission due date, as determined by the Assessment Department, will not be accepted. 
    4. Students will be required to answer the same assessment question for all assessment resubmissions. 
    5. Should the student be required to resubmit an assessment; the resubmission mark will contribute to the final mark of the assessment 
    6. Application for a re-mark is not permitted on re-submitted assessments.

  7. Re-marking of assessments 
    1. Assessments may be re-marked independently at the request of the student. This will be done at a charge per assessment. Proof of payment must be submitted together with the application for a re-mark. 
    2. In the event of a discrepancy between the original mark and the re-mark, then the higher mark will be granted to the student. 
    3. Students applying for a re-mark must do so within 5 calendar days of receipt of the assessment result. 
    4. Any student requesting a re-mark must apply via MancosaConnect and complete the standard MANCOSA Re-Mark Request Form online (no manual requests will be accepted). The following process applies should students wish to request to request for a Re-mark on an Assessment: − The student must select the module they wish to request a re-mark for on MancosaConnect. − Click on the respective “Re-Mark” button under the assessments tab for the relevant module. − Upon clicking the re-mark request button, the student will be redirected to the MyMancosa portal. − The request form must be completed on the MyMancosa portal. The following details will need to be completed: − Student Details − Programme/module details − Assessment type (Short Essay, Project, Assignment and Summative Assessment) − Proof of payment must be uploaded and attached to the request. (re-marks will not be processed if proof of payment is not received). Payment can be made via the payment gateway provided or via eft/bank deposit.

  8. The re-mark request will be received by the assessments department for processing via MANMIS. The student will receive feedback on the outcome of the re-mark within 14 calendar days. 
    1. No re-mark will be granted on re-submitted assessments. 
    2. No refunds are granted for re-marks irrespective of results.

  9. Study group assessment rules 
    1. While students are encouraged to form student and support study groups and given the large amount of information available, each student MUST produce his/her own original piece of work when submitting assessments. 
    2. Students are not permitted to submit the same assessment as others in their group. 
    3. Students found guilty of plagiarism and academic dishonesty will be subject to appropriate penalties. If there is an assessment or Summative Assessments irregularity Academic EXCO may require students to resubmit or re-sit for the exam (for example, discussions and sharing of information on WhatsApp study groups regarding any assessment related questions).

  10. Report of uploading errors 
    1. Students are required to contact the Student Services Department or email studentservices@mancosa.co.za immediately to report any errors occurring whilst uploading an assessment on MancosaConnect. Screenshots of all correspondence and error messages must be retained by the student as proof for future reference.

  11. Release of assessment results 
    1. Final Assessment results will be available on the My Mancosa student portal and a copy of the result letter will be emailed to the student. 
    2. Under no circumstances will results be released telephonically and by any persons unauthorised to do so.

  12. Return of assessments 
    1. A final marked copy of an assessment is made available on MancosaConnect in an annotated format. This does not include the Online Summative Assessment. 
    2. Marked assessments ARE NOT posted or emailed back to students.