1. Theft is defined as taking or possessing the property of another without right or permission. Students shall respect the property of MANCOSA, its guests, and all members of MANCOSA community.

  2. Specific violations include, but are not limited to: 
    1. The unauthorised taking, misappropriation, possession, retention, or disposal of any property owned or maintained by MANCOSA, another student, a person attending a MANCOSA sponsored event, or any other person; or 
    2. The unauthorised taking or use of any MANCOSA-owned or contracted service.

  3. Any lost or misplaced item that is found should immediately be turned in to a MANCOSA office. For instance, items found in the library should be taken to the library’s circulation desk. Inquiries concerning lost books, articles of clothing, or identification cards should be directed to Reception.

  4. MANCOSA will not be held liable for any and all liability for any damage, loss or injury to any person or property, save for gross negligence on the part of MANCOSA, where applicable.