1. With approval of the Senate, the following registration rules for NDP modules apply: 
    1. Students intending to register for a NDP module must meet the admission requirements for the qualification in which the module is offered. In addition, the student must meet the pre- and corequisite requirements for modules to be taken for NDP.

    2. A student who is registered for any MANCOSA programme is allowed to register for a maximum of one NDP module per semester.

    3. A student’s request for NDP registration will only be processed once the MANCOSA Registration Special Request Form and the registration fee which for NDP is a modular fee.

    4. The rule applicable to NDP modules are the same as those for re-registration modules inclusive of the payment plan.

    5. Assessments of incomplete modules will not be carried forward into the new registration/intake period.

    6. Modules taken for NDP will not reflect on the student’s certificate/qualification but will reflect on his/her academic transcript.