1. The following steps are required by a prospective student to be considered for registration during the biannual intake of students, i.e. in January and July. 
    1. Submit a fully completed MANCOSA Application for Admission Form with all the required documents, by the specified due date. Foreign students must produce the correct visa granted for their current year of studies.

    2. Submit proof of payment for all outstanding fees owing to MANCOSA (where applicable) as well as proof of payment for the current registration.

    3. In the case of minors applying for admission, his/her application form and enrolment contract must be accompanied by a parent/guardian consent form. The enrolment contract must be signed by the guardian in this case. The Application for Admission Form must have particulars of the surety and accompanied by the surety form.

    4. Applicants and/or their sponsor/parent are advised to carefully read and sign the Declaration by student relating to application for admission and the enrolment contract.

    5. All applications are subject to approval by the SRSAC.

    6. Should a student change his/her programme or mode of delivery, additional financial costs may be incurred for the account of the student.

    7. Upon successful completion of a year of study, students are required to register for the next academic year (for example Year 2 or Year 3). Students may apply for the next academic year provided that all tuition fees have been paid in full and that they meet progression requirements. Students with outstanding modules should re-register for these modules as per [IR 5] below.

    8. Students now apply online for year one and two, there is an online application form on the My Mancosa portal. All registrations are to be submitted online and the current process is as follows:
      1. Log on to MyMancosa.com
      2. Select special request -returning registration requests.
      3. Complete module information and contact details (extremely important for verification purposes).
      4. Upload proof of payment or bursary letter.
      5. Verify and submit with one-time pin (OTP).
      6. You will receive a reference number.
      7. Once completed a pro-forma invoice will be mailed to you within 24 hours.

  2. Deferral / postponement of academic studies
    1. Students that have re-registered a module or are carrying a module, may not defer these modules to the next semester or year.

    2. A deferral allows a student to postpone his/her academic studies as a result of exceptional circumstances and is at the sole discretion of MANCOSA to allow such deferral. The following academic rules regarding deferrals apply: 
      1. A request for deferral will only be granted once during a programme
      2. A student is permitted to defer a maximum of one semester of study
      3. Individual modules cannot be deferred.
      4. The deferral application must reach MANCOSA before the second assessment due date for the current semester in order for it to be effective in the next intake, provided that no coursework has been attempted.
      5. Completed assessments from incomplete modules will not be carried forward into the new registration/intake.
      6. On the recommendation of a programme coordinator, the decision of Academic EXCO with respect to deferrals or postponement of academic studies is final and binding.

    3. Cancellations
      1. In the case of cancellation of registration, an applicant may cancel his/her registration for the current year of study as a whole and shall be exonerated from the liability for the full fee (excluding the registration fee) provided that the MANCOSA Student Enrolment Department is informed in writing within 20 business days of registration and that such withdrawal has been confirmed in writing by MANCOSA. Students will be liable for the full fee should they not meet the 20-day deadline.

    4. Changing mode of support - A student may only change their tutorial options after completion of a full academic year and not between semesters, subject to prior written approval by MANCOSA.

    5. Progression of students 
      1. A student is eligible to proceed to the next year of study if:
        1. The student successfully completes all the required modules in that year of study; or
        2. The requirements for the carrying of a module set out below are met.

    6.  Carrying of modules 
      1. In order for students to progress from one semester to the next and from one year to the next, the following progression rules will apply in terms of carrying modules:
        1. A student is required to register for a carrying module of the applicable semester for that programme. This module must be attempted in the immediate next semester or year of study. A student may re- register a maximum of one module from the first semester into the second semester of a specific academic year.
        2. A student is permitted to carry a maximum of one module from one semester to the next or from one year to the next.
        3. A student is permitted to carry a maximum of one module from one year to the next provided that it is not a core or a pre-requisite module for the programme.
        4. The core and pre-requisite modules must be successfully completed in order to progress to the next semester or year of study.
        5. A student who has failed more than one module must re-register and successfully complete those modules in order to be eligible for the next year of study.