- These Institutional Rules have been approved by the Senate and the Executive Committee (EXCO) of MANCOSA in terms of the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997 (as amended) and as such are registered (Reg. No. 2000/HE07/003) as a private higher education institution in South Africa with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET).
- Senate is the supreme academic body responsible for setting academic policy and rules, authorising academic programmes, issuing degrees to graduates and for the discipline of students. Senate or EXCO may from time-to time amend, alter or delete any rule, whether it be a general academic rule, a rule relating to a specific module or qualification, or an administrative rule.
- In addition to these General Academic and Administrative Rules, there may be other specific rules per programme or institutional procedure. These rules are clearly stated in the information pertaining to a programme set out in these institutional rules or elsewhere, other registration brochures, or in relevant tutorial letters, all of which are available to registered students online or in printed format.
- MANCOSA, being a supported distance private higher education institution, has the following office hours:
- South Africa: Monday to Friday, 08h00 to 16h30 (excluding SA public holidays). Saturday, 08h30 to 12h30. These offices follow SAST (South African Standard Time).
- Other Countries: Monday to Friday according to the relevant local office (excluding public holidays).
- Student Services follows the office hours outlined in 4.1 above.
- All forms referred to in this document are available via the online MANCOSA student portal ( The annual fee schedule and the most recent Programme Handbook must be consulted for the relevant fees for every programme.