All assessments are marked according to the following criteria.

Demonstrates an authoritative grasp of the concepts, methodology and content appropriate to the subject discipline. Indication of originality in the application of ideas, in synthesis of material or in performance; personal insights reflecting depth and confidence of understanding and real critical analysis. Work is well structured and presented with full referencing.
BVery Good
70 – 74%
Demonstrates a sound level of understanding based on a competent grasp of relevant concepts, methodology and content; displays skill in interpreting and analysing complex material; material well organised.
60 – 69%
Demonstrates a good level of understanding based on a grasp of relevant concepts, methodology and content; display some skill in analysing complex material; material well organised.
50 – 59%
Demonstrates a coherent response to the requirements of the assessment task; clear expression of ideas; uses relevant source material; demonstrates some understanding of the concepts; draws relevant conclusions; appropriate organisation of response. 
40 – 49%
Recognisable but limited awareness of requirements of assessment task; evidence of some understanding; some attempt to draw relevant conclusions.
33 – 39%
Marginal grade. Unsatisfactory but showing some evidence of understanding.
0 – 32%
Little evidence of understanding or application.