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Resubmitting an assginment


Is it possible to resubmit an assignment before it is marked? 


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My ticket number is 156163 and has been assigned to Desiree Seevalingum and feel that my query was unfairly treated as I did not choose to get sick on those particular days. Can someone with higher authority have a look at this issue and give me feedback.

I Mzwandile Baisley Bunu student number 158797 report a case of burglary which took place at my place of residence on the 12April 2020 April where my laptop, books and memory sticks were stolen which led to late submission of my assignments the case was reported at the Pretoria central police station with case number provided as 168/4/2020. I sincerely like the institution to assist me in this matter. Thank you in advance
How do I submit an assignment or project on Freshdesk?

Today I discovered that I have failed one of my Modules (Introduction to Functional Areas of Management) and had to resubmit the project I failed. I was not notified of this failure, but only discovered it when I went to see if any of my mark Details have been updated since the last time I checked just before my examinations began. 

At first I thought that I had passed the subject in any case because of the fact that in the project handbook it states that 50% is the minimum requirement to pass a module. Achieving 58% I thought I did. Upon further inspection, I see that the Mark details on the Mymancosa website says I have failed and need to resubmit my project.

I went over to the Mancosa connect portal to see when resubmission is due, only to see I am 6 and a half days late. 

Panicked, I immediately call student services to see what can be done about this only to be told that when a student fails a subject, they will not be notified as all emails from MANCOSA are a courtesy, and if I missed the project resubmission date I have now failed the subject and need to pay +R3500 to redo the module in the new year. All of which is outlined in a rulebook I signed for. Apon searching for this among the resources provided to me,  I do not have this rulebook, and I am still awaiting the email that I asked for with the rulebook attached.

This is where I need to air my grievances.

Firstly, I am appalled that I was not notified of my failure (or when any results come out for that matter ) as I receive weekly emails from MANCOSA to complete surveys and rate your services. All of which have been labelled as courtesy, even though they have not served me any pleasure or benefited my personal education at MANCOSA. The fact that those emails take precedence over my education not only upsets me but terrifies me to what kind of an education I am receiving.

Secondly, I was not met with any solutions or responses that could ease my anxiety or anger, as all of this is just as it is and the offer to take this to management, or the moderators of my subject/assignment, was not extended. 

I am making a plea to whomever makes the decisions on who gets to resubmit and who does not. Please can I resubmit.

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Daniel, the exact same thing happened to me once my results was released this week for the semester I only saw then that I have failed to resubmit for a project and now fail my whole module even though my overall mark for the module is 68.  But the first project I only got 28/60 and wasn't aware of those results that was released either.   Also did not receive any communication regarding this.

I am also making a please to give us a chance to resubmit or apply for remark as this is surely not acceptable.  I can't re-do a whole module and pay for it again because of 2 points..... which I wasn't even aware of I did not pass.

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Thanks for the response to my email and the screen shot of my submission. I must indicate that I don't have a screen shot different to that one you have. As I indicated in my email that it might have been a technical error. I therefore request a second chance. If I maybe given another questions for assignment to write and submit to add on my current exam marks in Research in Education. I humble request for a second chance. It was done to the group we registered with at the beginning of the program. I worked under very difficult conditions of the pandemic. I wanted to complete the program in time.

How much do you pay for Resubmission? 

Hi Family

I received email to resubmit the assignment, but the submission tab is not available. I only see the charging link for R250. Please assist.

Kind regards.

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